

  • Business
  • Insurance

The fusion of the insurance industry with digital technology is accelerating
innovation in the insurance sector. Mainline's Insurtech IDP solutions are essential
for enhancing competitiveness in the future insurance industry.

Insurance Value Chain and Magic Solution

Mainline is developing process automation solutions for the entire insurance operation,
from product development and revisions/updates to claims processing for claim payouts.

보험 가치사슬(Value Chain)과 Magic Solution
Key Features
  • 아이콘 Operational efficiency
    Increased productivity for simple and repetitive document information revisions
    and updates through document processing automation
  • 아이콘 Cost reduction
    Reduced personnel and management costs for processing documents such as policies
    and valuation templates
  • 아이콘 Data integrity
    Elimination of human error risks, ensuring accurate calculation of claim payouts
    and document processing
Fields of Applications

Innovation of operational processes in insurance such as product development, underwriting,
claims, actuarial science, and IFRS 17.

  • 아이콘Automated product development and management
    Fundamental document management
    Automation and optimization of
    document work such as revisions/updates
    of fundamental documents (e.g., insurance policies, valuation templates, operational procedure guides), including batch
    changes, document comparisons, and
    the provision of change control tables
    Custom insurance products
    Mapping main contracts and riders
    of customer-specific policies to create
    individualized policies for each customer
  • 아이콘Automated PV renewal and calculation
    PV renewal and calculation
    Automatic extraction of information from
    valuation templates for automatic renewal
    and calculation of insurance premiums
    and liability reserves
    Basic rate modification and management
    Reflecting calculation results by changing or
    adding interest rates, operating expenses,
    and risk rates of renewed products
    (saving changed basic rates in database)
  • 아이콘Automated claims compensation system
    Claim payout calculation
    Creating and managing payout
    condition-specific rules based on policy
    coverage and real-time automatic
    calculation of claim payouts
    Automated claims processing
    Extracting information by parsing
    policy coverage, batch-categorizing and
    databasing coverage patterns, and linking
    product coverage for automatic
    calculation/payment of fixed amounts
    and actual losses