
Insurance Solution

  • Insurance Solution
  • MagicTerms


A solution for managing
fundamental insurance documents

A solution for the efficient revisions and updates of fundamental insurance product documents, including policies, valuation templates,
and operational procedure guides.

  • 아이콘 Automated creation of table of contents
  • 아이콘 Automated document error verification
  • 아이콘 Document search and batch update
  • 아이콘 Automated comparison of edited documents
  • 아이콘 Automated creation of comparison tables
  • 아이콘 Personalized policy terms for each customer
Automated Document Parsing

Automatically recognize policy and coverage information to be matched and loaded to a database, extracting and managing various information automatically without user input.

이미지 모바일 이미지
Key Features

Automatically parse all document information down to the word level,
enabling document structure analysis, syntax error detection, version-specific document management and comparison, and automated search and editing.

  • 아이콘 Document search and batch update
    Search documents and batch-update any modifications (custom changes to document format/fonts)
  • 아이콘 Document editing and error verification
    Real-time automatic verification of errors and reference information (verification of text and reference consistency)
  • 아이콘 Document data extraction and merging
    Extract and edit specific clauses from different documents to be merged into a single document
  • 아이콘 Automated comparison of edited documents
    Automatically compare pre/post-change content via indexing of edited documents
  • 아이콘 Automated creation of comparison tables
    Automatically create comparison tables of only the changed sections, clauses, and items after document editing
  • 아이콘 Personalized policies for each customer
    Create custom policies including only the specific riders of each customer from integrated policies (optional)
  • 아이콘
    Productivity improvement

    Quick and efficient work processing through digitization and automation of fundamental documents

  • 아이콘
    Integrated management

    Central server-based integrated management of document history, change history, security, etc.

  • 아이콘

    Smooth and accurate sharing
    of the latest revised and/or updated documents between related departments

  • 아이콘

    Simplification of verification personnel and procedures through digitization of manual document tasks

  • 01
    Automatic changes

    Automatically align policy editing (hierarchy of clauses, items, sub-items, etc.)

    Batch change specific content in documents

    Automatically compare pre/post-change information after document editing

    Automatically generate comparison tables of pre/post-changes

    Automatic document styling (format and font for each document)

  • 02
    Document search

    Create search index upon document file saving

    Search keywords per product in documents

    Search keywords by document type and clause

  • 03
    Document editing

    Check for erroneous information during document editing

    Reference information for verification

    Save and manage different document versions

  • 04
    Document management

    File explorer functionality

    Manage document file registration and history per product

    Easy data backup and replication

  • 05
    Product management

    Manage library of policies, riders, etc.

    Manage product revision/update relationships

    Templates of fundamental documents used in products
