

  • Technology
  • IDP
About IDP

Intelligent document processing (IDP) is an advanced technology that leverages AI,
machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and optical character recognition (OCR) to automatically recognize, classify, extract, and process document data, capable of
intelligently automating and optimizing the handling of a large volume of documents.

*Intelligent document processing (IDP)

IDP Process

IDP automates document processing and workflows by utilizing AI, ML,
and NLP to handle structured, semi-structured, and unstructured document data.

STEP01. Document Data
  • 아이콘
    Structured Data
  • 아이콘
    Semi-Structured Data
  • 아이콘
    Unstructured Data
STEP02. Technology
  • 아이콘
    Artificial intelligence
  • 아이콘
    Machine learning
  • 아이콘
    Natural language
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    Optical character
STEP03. Document Automation
  • 아이콘

    IDP automatically categorizes various types of documents (contracts, invoices, emails, etc.) for identification and processing.

  • 아이콘
    Data Extraction

    IDP converts documents into digital formats
    and extracts information from diverse data formats,
    including text, tables, and images.

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    Text Analysis

    IDP extracts essential information from documents,
    employing text mining technology to analyze content
    and identify crucial information, keywords, numbers,
    and dates for transfer to databases or other systems.

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    IDP offers features to verify extracted information
    and correct errors, ensuring data accuracy.

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    IDP automates workflow, assigns tasks automatically,
    and tracks task status for enhanced efficiency.

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    Security and Compliance

    IDP securely processes sensitive data and even helps
    with regulatory compliance.

Mainline’s IDP Technology

Mainline's IDP technology transcends basic document processing automation by integrating NLP,
compilation, and parsing technologies. It innovates various document tasks by interpreting complex information, extracting necessary data, and combining and managing documents.

Traditional Document Processing Automation Technology Comparison Points IDP Technology
Rule-based simple structured document processing Technology Concept AI-based technology for complex, structured, unstructured,
and semi-structured document processing
Basic technologies such as screen scraping
and workflow automation
Applied Technology Advanced technologies such as NLP, OCR,
deep learning, and parsing
Work rules based on if-then principles Automation Method Knowledge-based
Standardized and structured data such as
spreadsheets and databases
Area of Processing Non-standardized and unstructured data such as emails, invoices, receipts, and images
(constituting 80% of global business data)
  • 아이콘
    Improved productivity
    Automating simple, repetitive document processing tasks to improve work efficiency.
  • 아이콘
    Cost reduction
    Reducing costs compared to manual document processing.
  • 아이콘
    Time savings
    Shortening document processing times through automation.
  • 아이콘
    Data integrity
    Reducing human errors and maintaining document data integrity.
IDP Industry

IDP improves business productivity across various industries, including insurance, finance, manufacturing, public services, healthcare, and logistics, to innovate and streamline document processing and data management. It automates mundane manual tasks, reduces errors, and cuts costs.

01 Insurance

Comprehensive process automation from
product development to sales, underwriting,
compensation, renewal, and cancellation

  • 아이콘
    Product development
    Analyzing customer data to recommend suitable
    insurance products
  • 아이콘
    Contract management
    Effective management of insurance contracts
    through automatic analysis
  • 아이콘
    Claims processing
    Reducing time and errors in insurance claims
02 Finance

Enhancing operational efficiency in customer information collection and management, financial transaction processing, and product development

  • 아이콘
    Information collection and management
    Gathering data on credit cards, loans, deposits, etc.
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    Financial transaction processing
    Quick and accurate handling of transfers and payments
  • 아이콘
    Product development
    Financial product recommendations based on
    customer data analysis
03 Public sector

Enhancing services in permit and electronic document issuance, complaint handling, administration, and welfare

  • 아이콘
    Complaint handling
    Offering fast and accurate responses,
    shortening processing times
  • 아이콘
    Administrative work
    Streamlining administrative tasks with document automation
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    Welfare services
    Providing tailored services based on service usage analysis
04 Healthcare

Systematic management and use
of the latest patient medical records
for diagnosis and treatment

  • 아이콘
    Medical records
    Systematic management of patients' medical records
    (prescriptions, test results, etc.)
  • 아이콘
    Diagnosis and treatment
    Using patient medical data for diagnostic predictions
    and treatment plans
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    Research and development
    Developing new treatments and preventive measures
    based on medical data
05 Logistics

Simplifying and standardizing document
information to improve operational agility
and reduce costs

  • 아이콘
    Document processing
    Quick processing of documents such as waybills and invoices
  • 아이콘
    Data analysis
    Optimizing transport routes/times and predicting
    delivery delays and inventory
  • 아이콘
    Risk management
    Identifying and preventing risks of accidents and
    losses through data analysis